A disposable camera print from a photograph I made of a “Souvenir” store that no longer exists on Virginia Street in Downtown Reno, NV. Written on the back of the print reads:
A memory
A photograph
A memory of a photograph
A photograph of a memory
A writing of a memory, a photograph, a memory of a photograph,
and a photograph of a memory
Disposable camera print, 6in x 4in | 2013

A photograph taken with a digital camera with a vaseline covered lens cap of a fence from the neighborhood in Sparks, NV that I grew up on.
Digital print, 22in x 17in | 2017

A stack of three polaroids in a polaroid film container of makeshift still life total eclipse from a circle cut out of black construction paper propped up with tuna cans to photograph with flash.
Three Polaroid prints in Polaroid film canister, 3.5in x 5in | 2023

On December 23, 1985, 19-year-old James Vance watched his best friend Ray Belknap shoot himself to death with a .12 gauge shotgun in the Church Park of Our Savior Lutheran Church in Sparks, NV. This park is a few blocks away from where I grew up. Then Vance pulled the trigger on himself. He survived but was severely disfigured. Vance later claimed his actions had been influenced by the heavy metal music of Judas Priest, prompting his family to sue the band. The drama of the ensuing trial provides the framework for David Van Taylor's documentary Dream Deceivers (1995).
This silent video displays a tree that I filmed last year on a Sunday afternoon in the park where the suicide and suicide attempt took place. It is hard not to feel a tightening of air in that park. The tension expands itself throughout our specific valley. A curse? A metaphysical result to our geographical location? A cosmic rip current pulling us? Dedicated to those that have felt this swallowing.
Overlaying the video as lyrics to a karaoke song, reads:
Mystic veins run through streets,
houses, neighborhoods, tunnels, rivers, tree branches.
Above ground, and so below.
Through thin air, and solid matter,
Unexplainable winds blow.
Known unknowns.
Shifts in feelings avoided by glimpses of dreams.
The mistakes of free will.
We are carried through regardless of our intentions.
We are led through paths unidentified to us
Only felt through the haziness of street lamps,
old stars revealed aflame,
cracks in camera lenses,
secret whispers say “what?”,
corners of closed eyes,
ambient figures reflected in foggy mirrors.
Ghosts of your whole life.
Better by You, Better than Me
Silent video, runtime: 4:40min | 2023-2024

A sound system setup with speakers, a mixer, and a microphone where the microphone is placed in the propped open crawl space. The microphone gain is turned all the way up to project the ambient sounds and footsteps in the gallery, and below the floor.
Microphone, mixer, studio monitors | 2024

A drawing of an altered “When the Fun Stops” gambling addiction support pamphlet found in Casinos.
Graphite on Rag Paper, 13in x 26in | 2023

A drawing of moon cycles, and a made-up “Faustian Bargain” band name on duck canvas pants fabric with the date and time reading “12/23 8PM.”
The drawing is sized to the ratio of a standard letter sized 8.5in x 11in piece of paper commonly used to print and dispute punk flyers.
The band name design for “Faustian Bargain” was made from Judas Priest's online band name generator, judaspriest-namegenerator.com, which was created to promote their 2018 album “Firepower.”
There is a history of those that make Faustian Bargains for power and stardom at the expense of others. Specifically noted, the proposed deal that Led Zeppelin may have made. Obsessed with Alestier Crowley, Jimmy Page was owner and caretaker of the Boleskine House from 1970 to 1992. In their conjunction with the rock music scene of England and Scotland, is there a connection between the Dream Deceivers and a Faustian Bargain Judas Priest may have made?
Dressmaker's white marking pencil on black duck canvas. 36in x 50in | 1985-2024