A page from a book about art mediums that was found in an alleyway then ripped out and pasted to cardboard with matte medium and torn off to remove it’s surface
7in x 8in | 1970 – 2021

Wooden wall work with hardware found in a basement furnace room.
11in x 9in | 1981 – 2021

Print of the cover of “The Friendly Ghost Caspar” #41 from Harvey January 1961 glued with modge podge and gesso on a plaster cast of a cardboard box over wooden frame with a hole created with carving tools then fingerpainted with drywall primer that was then heated with blow dryer
14in x 14in x 3in | 1961 – 2021

Graphite and chalk drawing of a heart over a brain on a black gesso painted plaster cast of a cardboard box over wooden frame with a found 4in x 6in photograph of horse
16in x 18in x 3in | 1997 – 2021

A found contact paper sheet where “37047734” was written on using pencil on another sheet of found contact paper, then “43774073” was written on the top of the initial contact sheet to reveal the numbers spelled out upside down as “hELLhOLE”
8.5in x 22in | 1989 – 2021

A failed acetone laserjet print transfer that was torn and then glued onto a wooden frame that had primer paint poured on top and left to dry
8in x 10in | 2012 – 2021

A plaster cast of a cardboard box over a gelatin silver contact sheet print mounted to a wood frame with hardware and plexiglass
10in x 14in x 4in | 2012 – 2021

A painted rag stretched around wooden frame
8in x 8in x 2in | 2015 – 2021

A found drawer from an old desk that has traveled between strangers to multiple homes leaving remnants of penciled secrets it would like to tell
12in x 18in | 1991 – 2021

Fabric painted with black screenprint ink then stretched around a wood frame to be drawn on with pastels of words of the elements found in the human body, and then drawn on with pencil and sharpie of the girl and the boy that were depicted in the drawings in the film “Children of the Corn”
24in x 24in | 2016 – 2021

A plaster cast of a cardboard box that had food coloring splashe on the surface before the plaster completed drying
7in x 10in x 1.5in | 2021

A plaster cast of a cardboard box that had rose pedals pushed into the surface before the plaster completed drying
7in x 10in x 1.5in | 2021

A scan from a 35mm negative that was found in a street gutter that was then printed on transparency film then glued to a piece of glass
8in x 10in | 2001 – 2021

A scan from a 35mm negative that was found in a street gutter that was then printed on transparency film then glued to a piece of glass
10in x 8in | 2001 – 2021

A scan from a 35mm negative that was found in a street gutter that was then printed on transparency film then glued to a piece of glass
8in x 10in | 2001 – 2021

A scan from a 35mm negative that was found in a street gutter that was then printed on transparency film then glued to a piece of glass
10in x 8in | 2001 – 2021